BHiLab | Built Heritage innovation Lab

The Built Heritage innovation Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory, open to researchers from different backgrounds, active in applying experimental and humanistic skills to improve knowledge and conservation of the built heritage, innovating procedures of analysis and intervention through integration with ICT methodologies.


Project coordination:

Elena Gigliarelli

Elena Gigliarelli

Research team:

Filippo Calcerano

Filippo Calcerano

Stefano Cursi

Stefano Cursi

Letizia Martinelli

Letizia Martinelli

Luigi Biocca

Luigi Biocca

Elena D'Angelo

Elena D'Angelo

Alessia Mazzei

Alessia Mazzei

Department of History, representation and restoration of architecture

The Department of History, representation and restoration of architecture (DSDRA) was established on 1st July 2010 as a union of two pre-existing Departments, the History of architecture, restoration and conservation of architectural heritage one and the Survey, analysis and representation of the environment and architecture, entirely merged into the new Department as part of the reorganization of the “Sapienza” – University of Rome.


Sapienza coordination:

Carlo Bianchini

Research team:

Alfonso Ippolito

Luca Senatore

Carlo Inglese

Francesca Porfiri