HBIM integrated information system for the conservation and management of cultural sites in Lazio
Acronym: HBIM4lazioHERITAGE
The HBIM4lazioHERITAGE project, CUP code: B79J21002870002, Protocol number A0375-2020 -36733, is co-funded by the Lazio Region and the European Union under the Public Notice "Research Group Projects 2020" in response to the POR FESR 2014-2020 call for the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) area "Cultural Heritage and Cultural Technologies."
HBIM4lazioHERITAGE aims to develop a prototype of an integrated 3D information system, using the potential of Heritage Building Information Modeling, aimed at improving activities related to the maintenance and management of architectural complexes and archaeological sites in Lazio. In particular, the project is aimed at museums and cultural sites intended for the display and dissemination of cultural heritage, including through events, exhibitions, temporary or permanent displays, events, etc.
The goal of the project is to create an HBIM platform capable of producing a structural coupling between the 3D model of a cultural site and the set of data characterizing it, integrating and refining tools developed by the project partners.
Project Data Synthesis
Project code: CUP code: B79J21002870002
Project funding: 143,524.50 euros
Project page link: https://www.ispc.cnr.it/it_it/2022/02/21/hbim4lazioheritage/
Protocol Number A0375-2020-36733
Co-funded by the Lazio Region and the European Union under the public notice "Research Group Projects 2020"
Bando POR FESR 2014-2020 per l’area di specializzazione della Smart Specialisation Strategy Regionale (S3) “Beni culturali e tecnologie della cultura”.
The HBIM4LazioHeritage project, CUP code: B79J21002870002, is co-funded by the Lazio Region and the European Union under the Public Notice "Research Group Projects 2020" in response to the POR FESR 2014-2020 call for the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) specialization area "Cultural Heritage and Technologies of Culture." Funding received: € 143,524.50.